Poziv za sudjelovanje na 10. Doktorskoj radionici CKPIS-a i FFPU-a

Centar za kulturološka i povijesna istraživanja socijalizma i Odsjek za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli objavljuju poziv doktorandima za sudjelovanje na 10. Doktorskoj radionici koja će se održati u Puli, 28-31. kolovoza 2024., na temu Why Socialism Matters? Approaches to Research of the Political Idea and the Historical Period. Više informacija u pozivu. Rok za prijavu je 15. svibnja 2024.

Doctoral workshop 2024

Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Humanities, Department of History &
Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism

Why Socialism Matters? Approaches to Research of the Political Idea and the Historical Period

Pula, August 28-31, 2024

Our tenth annual summer workshop for doctoral students aims to intertwine the themes of previous workshops and possibly raise them to a different level, thereby enabling discussion on the relevance of socialism in historical and contemporary social contexts, as well as in the research practises and epistemology of social sciences and humanities. Beginning with the nineteenth century, socialist thought and actions have profoundly influenced politics, economics, culture and other domains, fighting against inequality, exploitation and poverty, while also reducing old social tensions and sometimes instigating new ones. These processes are evident in the political activities of governments, socialist, social-democratic and communist parties, trade unions, workers’ associations, groups and revolutionary movements; in the economic policies that built the welfare state and socialist state; as well as in the intellectual and cultural realm shaped by socialist thought, and the dissemination of socialist ideas across Europe and globally. Through the decades, insights to these issues have evolved, introducing new approaches and sources. When presenting their topics, applicants are expected to highlight the connection between socialist thought and historical experiences, to explain why socialism matters for the particular topic and why the research of their topic matters, how it shaped the past through possible successes and failures, and how such legacies are shaping the present and possibly the future.

So far, the Workshop has focused on various topics in contemporary history, the history of socialist Yugoslavia and wider European context: The History of Everyday Life in Socialist Yugoslavia (2015); Yugoslav Socialism: Similarities and Exceptionalities (2016); A New Man for the Socialist Society (2017); Yugoslavia and the Global 1968: Contexts, Perspectives, Echoes (2018); Industrial Societies of Late Socialism: European Comparisons (2019); Cooperation, Exchange and Solidarity in Europe 1945-1990 (2020); Microhistories of Socialism (2021); Microhistories of Socialism and Postsocialism (2022); What Was Europe? Perception, Division and Integration, 1940s-2010s (2023). The themes were often connected to the research projects at CKPIS or with the cooperation network around the Chair for South-East European History at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Over the past years, the Workshop has received an excellent response, with PhD students and lecturers coming from various universities and other institutions (Belgrade, Berlin, Bielefeld, Birmingham, Bochum, Bologna, Budapest, Cologne, Cork, Durham, Florence, Ghent, Giessen, Glasgow, Graz, Hamburg, Iaşi, Konstanz, Koper, Lisbon, Ljubljana, Montreal, Munich, North Carolina – Chapel Hill, Nottingham, Oxford, Paris, Potsdam, Prague, Princeton, Regensburg, San Diego, Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia, Split, Tübingen, Turku, Vienna, Warsaw, Warwick, Zagreb and Pula). Information on past workshops is available on our website.

CALL FOR PAPERS (March 14, 2024)
APPLICATION FORM (Deadline: May 15, 2024)

Invited lecturers
Assoc. Prof. Ankica Čakardić, PhD (University of Zagreb)
Prof. Hannes Grandits, PhD (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Assist. Prof. Branimir Janković, PhD (University of Zagreb)
Assoc. Prof. Katarina Peović, PhD (University of Rijeka)

Organizing Committee
Prof. Igor Duda, PhD (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula)
Anita Buhin, PhD (IHC – NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST, NOVA University Lisbon)
Tina Filipović (EUI Florence / University of Zagreb)
Sara Žerić (IOS Regensburg)

We thank for support
Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Faculty of Humanities, Pula

We thank for cooperation
Student Centre, Pula
Historical and Maritime Museum of Istria, Pula

Izvori i dodatne obavijesti:



CfP: Südost-Forschungen. International Journal of History and Culture of Southeastern Europe


International Journal of History and Culture of Southeastern Europe

Edited by the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS), Regensburg, Germany

Main editors: Ulf Brunnbauer, Konrad Clewing

Südost-Forschungen invites scholars to submit contributions from all areas of the history of Southeastern Europe for its two upcoming issues (volumes 83 and 84). The submission deadline for volume 83 is 30 June 2024, for volume 84 30 November 2024.

Südost-Forschungen is one of the oldest periodical publications on the history of Southeastern Europe. Its first volume appeared in 1936, and the journal, which appears as a yearbook, has since developed into one of the leading publishing organs of German and international research on the history of Southeastern Europe. For the coming year, Suedost-Forschungen plans to switch from one yearbook to two issues per year.

Südost-Forschungen is committed to a broad and interdisciplinary approach to history and publishes on topics ranging from political issues and cultural, linguistic, and art history to economic and social history, historical geography, and the history of religion. The journal endeavours to cover the region’s history from the Byzantine era to contemporary history. Part of the journal’s mission is to present research from the region to an international audience, thus serving as a platform for excellent regional scholarship. This objective is also reflected in the journal’s extensive review section, in which numerous works in the languages of the region are discussed.

After preliminary consideration by the editorial team, contributions submitted to Südost-Forschungen will undergo a double-blind process by two peer reviewers. The journal accepts manuscripts in German, English, and French. While most research articles are stand-alone papers, the journal also invites submissions for a special thematic section, which usually consists of three to four research articles linked by an overarching theme.

The maximum length of articles is 10,000 words (including notes). In addition to research articles, the journal accepts detailed review articles and reflections on current research trends and the region’s historiography (in the section “Aus der Südosteuropa-Forschung”). Occasionally, the journal publishes edited sources and commentaries.

If you have any questions or wish to submit a manuscript, please get in touch with Dr. Peter Mario Kreuter (kreuter@ios-regensburg.de). The journal is happy to provide (potential) authors with feedback at an early stage.

Further information on the journal as well as submission guidelines can be found at


Doktorski radovi

Na web-stranici doktorskih studija Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (na poveznici u nastavku) bit će objavljivani doktorski radovi prije održavanja javne obrane, s ciljem njihove dostupnosti zainteresiranoj javnosti.

Objave doktorskih radova prije održavanja javne obrane

Tekst doktorskog rada javno se objavljuje u skladu s odredbom članka 62. stavaka 7. Zakona o visokom obrazovanju i znanstvenoj djelatnosti (NN 119/22)

Predstavljanje knjige Catherine Horel ”Multicultural Cities of the Habsburg Empire, 1880-1914: Imagined Communities and Conflictual Encounters”

Austrijski kulturni forum, Odsjek za germanistiku, Odsjek za povijest i Austrijska knjižnica Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu imaju čast pozvati vas na predstavljanje knjige Catherine Horel (Sveučilište Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) ”Multicultural Cities of the Habsburg Empire, 1880-1914: Imagined Communities and Conflictual Encounters”, koje će se održati na engleskom jeziku u Konferencijskoj dvorani na 2. katu Knjižnice Filozofskog fakulteta u četvrtak, 25. siječnja 2024. u 18 sati.

O knjizi će govoriti direktorica Austrijskog kulturnog foruma Marina Chrystoph, Marijan Bobinac, Iskra Iveljić i autorica.

Catherine Horel je profesorica na Sveučilištu Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, a u fokusu njenih istraživanja je moderna povijest Srednje Europe. Njena najnovija knjiga Multikulturni gradovi Habsburške Monarhije 1880.–1914. (CEU Press, dostupna i u otvorenom pristupu) prikazuje urbani razvoj i razne vidove svakodnevice u 12 gradova Monarhije, među kojima su Zagreb, Rijeka i Sarajevo. Autorica obrađuje široku lepezu tema, od učinaka modernizacije, nacionalizacije i politizacije, do komunalne politike, prosvjete te konfesionalne i jezične raznolikosti. Njeno je ključno pitanje u kojoj su mjeri urbane sredine Monarhije od kasnog 19. stoljeća poprišta multikulturalnosti, a u kojoj „tvornice nacija“? C. Horel pomno balansira svoje zaključke, prikazujući kulturnu raznorodnost i isprepletenost istodobno upozoravajući na opasnosti njihovog idealiziranja ali jednako tako i prenaglašavanja sukoba, poglavito onih političko-nacionalnog značaja.


Dodatne obavijesti:





Raspored nastave na doktorskom studiju Moderna i suvremena hrvatska povijest u europskom i svjetskom kontekstu (akad. g. 2023/2024.)

Nastava se odvija u dvorani A-201 ili u A-202.

Zimski semestar

Hrvatska predmoderna i moderna povijestprof. dr. Iskra Iveljić9.XII.2023. / u 10 sati
13.I.2024. / u 10 sati
20.I.2024. / u 10 sati
27. I.2024. / u 10 sati  
Hrvatska moderna i suvremena povijestprof. dr. Ivica Šute3.II.2024. / u 10 sati
10.II.2024. / u 10 sati – dr. Mario Stipančević, HDA 17.II.2024. / u 10 sati – dr. Vladimir Huzjan, Zavod za znanstveni rad HAZU u Varaždinu
24.II.2024. / u 10 sati – prof. dr. Željko Krušelj  
Doktorski rad – od ideje do realizacijeprof. dr. Damir Agičić9.XII.2023. / u 13.30 sati 13.I.2024. / u 13.30 sati 20.I.2024. / u 13.30 sati 3.II.2024. / u 13.30 sati  
Doktorski seminar (V. semestar, „stari“ + III. semestar, „novi“)izv. prof. dr. Nikola Anušić16.XII.2023. / u 10 sati
27.I.2024. / u 13.30 sati 10.II.2024. / u 13.30 sati 17.II.2024. / u 13.30 sati 24.II.2024. / u 13.30 sati
Izborni kolegij studenti mogu izabrati na nekom drugom doktorskom studiju, na Filozofskom fakultetu ili drugim fakultetima i akademijama Sveučilišta u Zagrebu  

Ljetni semestar

Teorijske paradigme i analitičko-interpretativne metode u suvremenoj historijskoj znanostidoc. dr. Branimir Janković6.IV.2024. / u 13.30 sati – Branimir Janković
13.IV.2024. / u 10 sati – Michael Antolović
20.IV.2024. / u 10 sati –
Stevo Đurašković
27.IV.2024. / u 10 sati  – Sonia Lucarelli
Hrvatska suvremena povijestprof. dr. Tvrtko Jakovina16.III.2024. / u 10 sati 23.III.2024. / u 10 sati 6.IV.2024. / u 10 sati
11.V.2024. / u 10 sati  
Doktorski seminar (VI. semestar, „stari“ + II. i IV. semestar, „novi“)  izv. prof. dr. Nikola Anušić13.IV.2024. / u 13.30 sati 20.IV.2024. / u 13.30 sati 27.IV.2024. / u 13.30 sati 11.V.2024. / u 13.30 sati
Još jedan termin, naknadno  
Izborni Svakodnevica socijalističke Hrvatskeprof. dr. Igor Duda18.V.2024. / u 10 sati A-201 25.V.2024. / u 10 sati A-201 15.VI.2024. / u 10 sati A-201 29.VI.2024. / u 10 sati A-201  
Izborni Javno zdravstvo i socijalizacija medicine u 20. stoljećuprof. dr. Željko Dugac18.V.2024. / u 13.30 sati A-201
25.V.2024. / u 13.30 sati A-201
15.VI.2024. / u 13.30 sati A-201
29.VI.2024. / u 13.30 sati A-201  

Osim nositelja predmeta (Agičić, Anušić, Duda, Dugac, Iveljić, Jakovina, Janković, Šute), u nastavi će sudjelovati i ostali nastavnici s Odsjeka za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta, kao i vanjski suradnici – stalni Igor Duda i Željko Dugac te povremeni Vladimir Huzjan, Željko Krušelj, Davor Pauković, Mario Stipančević i drugi.