CfP: LONDON MEMORANDUM OF 1954: The beginning of the Eternal peace in the Northern Adriatic?

The Conference organized on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the London Memorandum, jointly organized by the Doctoral Program in Modern and Contemporary Croatian History in European and Global Contexts, Department of History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, and the Institute for Historical Studies, Science and Research Centre Koper and Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (MIREES) program of the University of Bologna, aims to clarify the multifaceted repercussions of the end of the war in Venezia Giulia and Istria, Slovenian Littoral, Kras, and Gorizia, situating them within the broader tapestry of European history and geopolitics. 

Through a nuanced exploration of the intertwined fates of Croatia, Slovenia, and Italy, the conference aims to deepen our understanding of the enduring complexities of post-war Europe and its ongoing ramifications for the continent and beyond.

We are especially interested in contributions on the following topics:
– Links between the London memorandum and military/political/territorial adjustments in 1950s Europe (e.g. Austria, Hungary, Germany etc.)
– Consequences of the de-facto dissolution of the Free Territory of Trieste for local societies in the border area
– Consequences of the de-facto settling of the border dispute for Italian and Yugoslav relations
– Historiography on the London Memorandum and its shifts, with particular reference to events that affected the Upper Adriatic region (Treaty of Osimo, the dissolution of Yugoslavia for example.)

Please send proposed topics and abstracts (300 words) with your CV by 15 July 2024 to our account: Notice of acceptance by 31 July 2024.

Participants must cover their own travel expenses. Accommodation and food will be provided by the conference organization. The Conference will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb.

The publication of conference proceedings is planned.

Knowledge of Croatian, Italian and Slovene is welcome.

November 14-15th, 2024. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Library, Conference room, Ivana Lučića 3, Zagreb and Hotel International, Miramarska cesta 24, Zagreb.

Sudjelovanje nastavnika i doktoranada na History Festu 2024.

Na osmom History Festu, koji je održan od 4. do 9. lipnja 2024. u Sarajevu i Mostaru, sudjelovali su i nastavnici (Damir Agičić, Hrvoje Klasić, Branimir Janković) i doktorandi (Marino Badurina, Bruno Raguž, Ivan Bubalo) Moderne i suvremene hrvatske povijesti u europskom i svjetskom kontekstu.

Na doktorskoj radionici izlagali su doktorandi iz Srbije, Crne Gore, Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine i Njemačke. Središnja tema bio je Ustav SFR Jugoslavije iz 1974. godine – povodom njegove 50. obljetnice – o kojem se govorilo iz različitih nacionalnih, tematskih i metodoloških perspektiva.

Doktorand Marino Badurina imao je izlaganje „Ustav SFRJ iz 1974: udžbenici, sinteze, osvrti“, Ivan Bubalo „Ustav 1974. i vanjska politika“, a Bruno Raguž „Važnost Ustava iz 1974. za formiranje sustava zaštite čovjekove sredine“.

Doktorsku radionicu moderirali su Branimir Janković i Adnan Prekić, koji su zajedno s Dubravkom Stojanović i Hannesom Granditsem te Husnijom Kamberovićem i Edinom Omerčićem sudjelovali u njezinom organiziranju.

Opširnije o History Festu i njegovom programu na sljedećim poveznicama:


Izlaganja na prvom panelu doktorske radionice

Izlaganja na drugom panelu doktorske radionice