Održan okrugli stol “Irish Nobility in Croatia (18th-20th Century)”

U suorganizaciji Poslijediplomskog doktorskog studija “Moderna i suvremena hrvatska povijest u europskom i svjetskom kontekstu” održan je 26. listopada 2018. na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu okrugli stol o irskom plemstvu u Hrvatskoj.


U nastavku upućujemo na medijske odjeke i donosimo fotografije s okruglog stola.


Wild Goose Nest – Frank McNally on a castle-collecting Croatian hero, Count Laval Nugent von Westmeath




That was one of the minor revelations of a conference in the University of Zagreb last month, on “Irish Nobility in Croatia from 18th to 20th centuries”.


Co-hosted by the Irish Embassy and addressed by Prof Terry Dooley of Maynooth University as well as local academics, it explored Ireland’s contribution to a Croatia that was not yet independent then, but to which Nugent is now a national hero.





Okrugli stol o irskom plemstvu u Hrvatskoj
